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Virtual Training Presentation Host Entrepreneurship Universe

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Virtual Training Programme Host

Expressions of interest are invited from self-driven and well spoken indivduals to co-host an online and virtual mentorship programme

Type – Volunteer gradually being engaged on part-time basis

Through enthusiasm, charisma and hospitality, our Hosts are the emcees of the online programme and help facilitate epic experiences.

*Interacting with the team online in video and voice messages via our social platform

Leading a group of 10-30 people as a virtual presentation host

Each presentation and discussion will last about 40 minutes.

We will train you on the presentation structure

You will be co-host with atleast 1 other host/technical advisor.

Remote working but with access to a lively platform for social interaction.

You will be responsible for”

* Keeping the event flowing and the energy high
* Engaging with attendees to keep events from slipping into awkward silence
* Leading the group with fun, friendly conversation
* Collecting information and making meaningful connections with our guests
* Enthusiastically and professionally explaining The Business Doctor rules of the game
* Giving a recap of the presentation of the presentation

Call 0979 930 838 or 0967 91937 for details.

To apply for this job email your details to

Closing Date : 30th March , 2022.

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