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General Worker Zambia Institute of Mass Communications

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The Zambia Institute of Mass Communication (ZAMCOM) was established under the ZAMCOM Act of Parliament of 1996 to provide Communications and Media training and production services to government. ZAMCOM has been undergoing a corporate renewal and is currently implementing a new strategic plan aiming at positioning the organization to becoming financially viable and independent.

As part of its transformation process, ZAMCOM is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced candidates to fill in the following position;


Job Purpose

To maintain and clean the surroundings, the flowers and lawns in order to ensure a conducive learning and working environment.

Main Duties

To clean the surroundings in order to ensure a clean environment.
To maintain flowers and lawns properly in order to ensure pleasant surroundings.
To clean classrooms and offices in order to ensure a conducive working and learning environment.
To preventive maintenance works
Reporting all defects/hazards immediately to the Supervisor
Perform other duties as assigned by the Supervisor


Grade 12 Certificate
Must have a Green National Registration Card

Applications accompanied by photocopies of academic and professional qualifications with a detailed Curriculum Vitae giving at least three (3) traceable references should be sent to:

The Executive Director

Zambia Institute of Mass Communications Educational Trust

Plot 3529 Government Road

P.O Box 50386 RW


To apply for this job email your details to

Closing Date : 10th April, 2022.

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