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HR Officer R A Consulting Services Zambia

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To be responsible for managing and coordinating the various human resource functions for the organization.

To ensure that the organization’s workforce is aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the company.

Duties will include, but not limited to:

  1. Recruiting and hiring new employees: This includes posting job openings, reviewing resumes and applications, conducting interviews, and making hiring decisions.
  2. Managing employee benefits and compensation: This includes managing employee benefits programs, such as health insurance and retirement plans, as well as overseeing the administration of employee pay.
  3. Handling employee relations: This includes addressing employee complaints and concerns, mediating conflicts, and working with management to resolve issues.
  4. Administering employee policies and procedures: This includes developing and implementing policies and procedures related to employee conduct, attendance, and performance evaluations.
  5. Compliance with labour laws: This includes ensuring compliance with local laws related to labour and employment.
  6. Managing employee training and development: This includes identifying training and development needs and opportunities, and working to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively.
  7. Managing employee data and records: This includes maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of employee information, such as contact information, job titles, and salary information, leave days etc


Diploma in Human resources

A member of ZIHRM.

To apply for this job email your details to

 January 20, 2023

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