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Producer Zambia Institute of Mass Communications

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The Zambia Institute of Mass Communications (ZAMCOM) was established under the ZAMCOM Act of Parliament of 1996 to provide Communications and Media training and production services. ZAMCOM has recently been undergoing a corporate renewal and is currently implementing a new strategic plan aiming at positioning the organization to becoming financially viable and independent.

As part of its transformation process, ZAMCOM is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced candidates to fill in the following position;


Reporting to the Creative and Productions Manager

Job profile

To Set up, operate, and maintain electronic equipment used in audio/visual productions and other related services. Control and ensure quality productions.

Main Duties

Maintain equipment to ensure that it functions properly
Conduct functional and operational testing procedures to ensure quality performance of equipment
Work with the creative team to test and integrate new systems for best results
Able to use contemporary and industry approved computer software to edit audio and video recordings.
Pull together all the strands of creative and practical talent involved in the project to create a team.
Monitor, control and ensure timely execution of productions
Demonstrate understanding of the production process
Organize shooting schedule for the ZAMCOM products and that of clients
Troubleshoot problems that arise during productions
Ensuring that content meets copyright and legal requirements

Qualifications and skills required

Bachelor’s Degree in Mass communications
Minimum of at least one (1) year experience in a reputable organization
Research ability, assessment and conceptualization of ideas leading to well-grounded and finished production scripts

Applications accompanied by photocopies of academic and professional qualifications with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) giving at least three (3) traceable references should be sent to;

The Executive Director

Zambia Institute of Mass Communications Educational Trust

Plot 3529 Government Road

P.O Box 50386 RW


To apply for this job email your details to

Closing Date : 11th April, 2022.

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