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Librarian Zambia Institute of Mass Communications

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The Zambia Institute of Mass Communication (ZAMCOM) was established under the ZAMCOM Act of Parliament of 1996 to provide Communications and Media training and production services. ZAMCOM has recently been undergoing a corporate renewal and is currently implementing a new strategic plan aiming at positioning the organization to becoming financially viable and independent.

As part of its transformation process, ZAMCOM is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced candidates to fill in the following position;


Job Purpose

To compile records, sort and shelve books, and issue and receive library materials such as books. Locate library materials for loan and replace material in shelving area or files according to identification number and title. Register patrons to permit them to borrow books and other library materials.

Duties & Responsibilities

Conduct all circulation duties such as Lend and collection of books and periodicals to students.
Classifying and cataloguing all Library materials according to cataloguing rules with the aid of cataloguing tools.
Shelving of books to designated storage areas.
Conduct reference duties such as locating Library materials for students
Instruct students on how to use reference sources, card catalogues, and automated information systems.
Inspect returned books for condition and due-date status, and compute any applicable fines.
Perform clerical activities such as filing, typing, word processing, photocopying and mailing out material, and mail sorting.
Ensure members maintain discipline within the library and abide to all the rules stated by the library
Send out notices and accept fine payments for lost or overdue books.
Repair books, using mending tape, paste, and brushes.
Update computerized records with new books and maintain a centrally accessible database.
Maintain library inventory and conduct periodic audits of the information on file


Full Grade 12 Certificate;
Diploma in Library studies
Good management skills and interpersonal skills
Should be proficient in handling commonly used computer software such as MS Excel documents
Knowledge of Library Management systems
Attention towards detail and ability to identify necessary requirements of the students in the Library
Effective team working skills

Applications accompanied by photocopies of academic and professional qualifications with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) giving at least three (3) traceable references should be sent to;

The Executive Director

Zambia Institute of Mass Communications Educational Trust

Plot 3529 Government Road

P.O Box 50386 RW


To apply for this job email your details to

Closing Date : 11th April, 2022.

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