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Human Resources Manager DAI Global LLC

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1.     Project Background

The five-year (2020-2025) USAID Local Impact Governance Project (Local Impact) is helping Zambia build up a sub-national system of governance for devolved service delivery more responsive to citizen needs. The program is engaging national and sub-national authorities to expand the capabilities of partner provinces and districts to deliver sustainable development outcomes, increase effective citizen and private-sector involvement in development planning and monitoring, and improve public financial management and domestic revenue generation.

The activity is specifically working toward three objectives:

  • Objective 1: Citizens improve their collective skills to effectively assess service-delivery needs and performance and constructively engage with government.
  • Objective 2: The sub-national governance system becomes more responsive to citizen needs, generates, and accountably expends revenue, and improves service-delivery outcomes.
  • Objective 3: The program generates learning and facilitates problem solving that supports the development of an effective, financially viable sub-national governance system for devolved services, capable of being scaled up throughout Zambia.

2.     Position Summary

Position:Human Resources Manager
Location:Lusaka, Zambia
Contract Name:USAID Local Impact Governance Project
Type:Long Term Technical Assistance
Period of Performance:
On/around February 15, 2022 – November 1, 2025
Position Level
Level 3: Upper-Level Technical Administrative Management; & Senior Level
Position Salary Grade
Grade 10

3.     Role’s Purpose

The Human Resources Manager is responsible for overseeing all human resources operations including local recruitment, employee inductions, performance reviews, and ensuring adherence to DAI policies and procedures, USAID regulations, and local labor laws.

4.     Tasks

  • The Human Resource Manager will coordinate with HR counterparts to ensure that the staff benefits, and Personnel Manual are aligned with other DAI projects.
  • Develop a Human Resource (HR) strategy with clear objectives that align with the Local Impact project goals program goals.
  • Develop an induction program that firmly orients staff to the goals and objectives of the Local Impact and includes the performance expectations and code of conduct that are expected in the project.
  • Meet regularly with COP, technical leads, head office team members and provincial staff to ensure that their human capital requirements are met and address any performance short comings proactively. Such meetings shall also include reminders of key messages such as performance and ethics standards of DAI.
  • Support cost management efforts of the project by ensuring that headcount is managed within targets and new resources are compensated within existing salary bands where possible.
  • Ensure all employees understand the reward policy of the project
    Develop a detailed talent management plan that reflects employee competence and ability with a view to develop employee internally to reduce on expensive external hires where possible.
  • Identify critical HR metrics e.g., time taken to recruit the right people, recruitment costs, attrition rates, talent retention rates.
    Conduct staff engagement surveys and provide action plans on continuous improvement of the levels of engagement.
  • Ensure the implementation and maintenance of a robust performance management system that has SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound) objectives.
  • Ensure that HR facilitates effective teamwork in the organization by flagging and debating contentious issues with a view of promoting a co-operative working environment.
  • Oversee human resource operations on the project, including recruitment, hiring, employee on‐boarding, staff orientation, performance reviews, and disciplinary action in compliance with USAID rules and regulations, DAI policies, and local labor laws.
  • Manage recruitment and the hiring process including the advertising of vacancies, shortlisting of resumes, scheduling and observing interviews, collection of required documents, reference checks, and salary history verification.
  • Coordinate and supervise the preparation of employment agreements for staff.
  • Train supervisors charged with conducting evaluations of staff members in their units and monitor compliance with the process.
  • Mitigate and resolve human resource conflicts and issues, seeking assistance and guidance from the Chief of Party or other senior staff members as needed.
  • Ensure personnel files are stored in TAMIS for all long-term and short-term project staff.
  • Ensure that all disciplinary cases are handled in line with internal and external regulatory laws and policies.
  • Maintain confidentiality on human resources issues.
  • Ensure compliance with the Zambian Employment Code Act No. 3 2019.
  • Work with Chief of Party to fill surge capacity technical needs, including identifying and hiring long‐term and short‐term technical experts in a timely fashion.
  • Works with COP to ensure good office communications, identification of any staffing issues, and promotes a healthy and collaborative working environment.

Other duties

  • Provides leave of absence cover for staff as required
  • Escalates any issues to his/her supervisor immediately
  • Prepared to travel to project provincial offices as required
  • Any other duties assigned by the Chief of Party.


  • The Human Resource Manager will supervise the Human Resource Assistant (subject to recruitment).

5.     Minimum Qualifications

  • University degree in Human Resource Management, Business Administration or any related.
  • ZIHRM accredited qualification
  •   9+ years of relevant experience
  • Knowledge of local laws and USAID rules and regulations related to personnel management and compliance.
  • Previous supervisory experience for HR team.
  • Experience in human resources management on USAID-funded projects, preferred.
  • Ability to respond effectively to time sensitive demands & inquiries
  • Demonstrated exceptional customer relations (both internally & externally)
  • Excellent organizational skills with a willingness to take initiative and be proactive.
  • An energetic, forward-thinking and creative individual with high ethical standards and appropriate professional image
  • Fluency in English is required

To apply send your CV and Cover Letter to by January 27, 2023. No telephone inquiries. Please note that applications not meeting the above application guidelines will not be considered. Finalists will be contacted.

DAI Global LL Inc. celebrates and embraces diversity, respects cultures in which we work, and treat everyone, everywhere with professionalism and dignity. We are committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all its employees and encourage qualified candidates to apply irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic background, including persons with various disabilities, apply and become a part of the organization.

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